An ugly day by any measure. Poor tackling, too many penalties, and a multitude of other problems. Florida wasn't ready. No real debate there.

Unfortunately, inconsistency is usually part of the rebuilding process. It happens almost everywhere. Good days and bad days with very small margins for error (especially in the SEC). There is ample evidence, of course, to support a "stay the course" approach. FSU provides a nearby example. There are plenty of others.

The temptation to panic and implode in the face of adversity is great for fans. Yes, games like the Kentucky game are frustrating. Too much euphoria with the Tennessee win and too much depression with the Kentucky loss. Rebuilding is a roller coaster ride of emotions. It’s not for everyone. Starting over every two years is not the answer. The social media and call in radio voices who want Billy Napier replaced should be ignored. They create “noise in the system” that interferes with progress.

Before the season began, Florida was expected to be 2-3 at this point. The Gators are one win BETTER than expected. They’ve lost twice as underdogs on the road. They’ve won three games, including one as an underdog. And still, we have some “noise in the system”.

No question, the mental errors contributing to the failures at Utah and at Kentucky were baffling at times. The fact these two opponents are nationally ranked, have a combined 9-1 record, and have head coaches with double digit tenures isn’t enough, alone, to excuse how badly the Gator’s were exposed. But still, each week creates another opportunity and Florida will get there with incremental steps.

The encouraging news is the Florida players, coaches, staff, and administration continue to trust the process. Recruits continue, thus far, to ignore the criticism in favor of understanding the potential at Florida. Players from the Spurrier and Meyer eras, almost without exception, espouse confidence in the process and progress being made at Florida. They understand it will take some time.

The next two weeks will be critical for reestablishing momentum for the Gators. Home as a favorite against Vandy and away as an underdog against South Carolina. An opportunity to continue the home field success this week AND an opportunity to flip the script to get an away SEC game win the following week.